Stop faking it!

Inspirert av en artikkel på satiresiten The Onion, om en mann som bare blir dårligere og dårligere i senga, oppfordrer Jezebel kvinner om å slutte å fake i senga. For sine medsøstres skyld:

And you know how Graney got to the age of 28 without knowing that he sucks in bed? Because no one told him. Ladies, when you fake an orgasm, you're making a guy's terrible bedroom skills another woman's problem. Every time you pretend to climax while he's lying motionless beneath you, arms at his sides, you've convinced him that such is how its done. Every time you've faked enthusiasm for particularly tooth-enhanced and painful oral just to get the guy to quit it already, rather than telling him that he's doing it wrong, you've set up another woman's clitoris for the same poor treatment. Every time you've told him, "That happens to everyone" when he's ejaculated so quickly you barely realized he'd managed penetration, he's gonna believe that and think that it's okay.

via Drusillas twitter

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